Exclusive: Medvedev Says Returning Adoptive Boy 'Monstrous Deed'

Russian President Medvedev is "alarmed" at treatment of adopted Russian kids.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 9, 2010, 12:54 PM

April 9, 2010— -- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev bristled at the "monstrous deed" of sending a 7-year-old adopted boy back to Russia on a plane by himself, and said he is "alarmed" by the treatment of adopted Russian children by their American parents.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, Medvedev said Artyem Saviliev, who was renamed Justin by his adoptive family, "fell into a very bad family."

"It is a monstrous deed on the part of his adoptive parents, to take the kid and virtually throw him out with the airplane in the opposite direction and to say, 'I'm sorry I could not cope with it, take everything back' is not only immoral but also against the law," Medvedev said.

Watch George Stephanopoulos' exclusive interview with President Medvedev Monday on "Good Morning America" at 7 a.m. ET

Medvedev told ABC News that he has a "special concern" that these types of cases are on the rise and wants to discuss policy surrounding adoptions of Russian children.

"I believe considering that negative experience which has been accumulated in that department we should think with our American colleagues about some agreement between us about where the expectations which would outline very strongly the responsibilities of the parents which are taking the children from Russia, which will provide the monitoring opportunities of such a family," Medvedev told Stephanopoulos.

"We should understand what is going on with our children, or we will totally refrain from the practice of adopting Russian children by American adoptive parents. I can only say we are alarmed by the tendency," Medvedev said.

Medvedev said he is also concerned with the deaths of Russian children by American families. There have been several cases recorded in the United States since the early 1990s.

In the latest case involving an adopted Russian child, Saviliev was put on a plane to Moscow by himself on Thursday by his adoptive mother, Torry Hansen of Shelbyville, Tenn. She included a note in his pocket saying that she no longer wished to parent the child because he was "mentally unstable."