Statement to ABC News From Anchor Hocking

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 6, 2010, 8:59 PM

— -- This morning on "Good Morning America" you saw a story about safety concerns regarding glass bakeware.

Click HERE to read the full story.

Below is a statement from Anchor Hocking:

Anchor Hocking
December 6, 2010

Statement from Barbara Wolf,Senior Manager, Marketing Communications, Anchor HockingRegarding January 2011 Article in Consumer Reports on Tempered Glass Bakeware

Anchor Hocking is deeply concerned about the information as presented in the January 2011 Consumer Reports article.

When used correctly, our tempered glass bakeware is the best in the industry for performance and reliability. Anchor Hocking bakeware has been used since the 1940's, and it continues to be a safe and reliable part of American kitchens. A popular choice for baking today, it is superior to metal and silicone products because it does not alter the chemical composition or affect the flavor of baked foods. The vast majority of injuries result from failure to use the product according to instructions.

Approximately 700 million pieces of U.S.-manufactured tempered soda-lime-silicate bakeware have been sold in this country in the past 10 years. In addition, Anchor estimates there are in excess of 2 billion glass bakeware products in use today; those items being used dozens of times each year. The incidents referred to in the Consumer Reports article are a minute fraction of the billions of product uses annually.

In fact, all U.S.-manufactured glass bakeware, regardless of manufacturer, is made from tempered soda-lime-silicate glass. This is because, on the rare occasions when it does break, it tends to break in small pieces without sharp edges.