Pregnant Woman Recovering After Attack

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 14, 2005, 8:07 AM

Oct. 14, 2005 — -- A Pennsylvania mother whose belly was slashed open, allegedly by a woman who attacked her trying to steal her unborn baby, is recovering in the hospital, according to state police.

Valerie Oskin's baby was delievered by emergency Caesarean section at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, after a teenager happened upon the attack in a wooded area of Wayne Township on Wednesday and notified police.

"I understand she (Oskin) was removed from her breathing tube and she is able to talk now," state police Lt. Thomas Dubovi said. The hospital declined to release information about the woman or her baby, at the request of the family.

Police said the baby was healthy.

Peggy Jo Conner, 38, of Ford City, was arraigned Thursday on charges of attempted murder and attempted aggravated assault in the attack on Oskin, 30. Conner is being held without bail in the Armstrong County Jail.

"The only indication we have right now was her (Conner's) ultimate goal was to get this child and claim it as her own," said Armstrong County District Attorney Scott Andreassi.

Andreassi said tests performed on Conner indicate she was not pregnant, although she had convinced her friends that she was. She told police she was seven months pregnant, according to the criminal complaint, and had filled her home with a baby swing, bassinet and baby toys.

"She is pregnant," said Thomas Wilks, who said he is Conner's estranged husband. "I got a sonogram saying she is pregnant. I've felt the baby kick numerous times. I've felt the baby kick in her stomach."

Adam Silvis, 17, happened upon the attack before the baby was removed from Oskin and called police.

Authorities believe Conner attacked Oskin in her home around 11 a.m. Wednesday morning when Oskin's 7-year-old son was also at home. Police are investigating whether Conner used a baseball bat to strike Oskin on the back of the head.

Conner allegedly led a bloodied Oskin and her son out of the trailer where she ran into Betty Thevenin and John Crissman who were working in the trailer next door. Thevenin told police she insisted Conner take Oskin to the hospital and believed that is what Conner planned to do.