Best of ABCNEWS May 15-30

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 25, 2004, 11:52 AM

May 28, 2004 -- Ho hum. ABC News has more exclusives from Iraq. It never really becomes run-of-the-mill. But the ABC News Investigative Unit comes up with powerful new stories so often, you could be forgiven for forgetting how much work and effort goes into getting them.

We also tackled numerous issues on raising children that proved of great interest: from choosing daycare, to helping with homework to a sex offender offering himself as a baby sitter.

Health stories were among our most e-mailed the past two weeks. You can find out whether low-carb or low-fat is the diet for you, read about surgery to restore sight (done live on Good Morning American) or a disorder known as "hoarding."

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