Julia Roberts Talks About New Film

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 29, 2002, 11:14 AM

July 29 -- ABCNEWS' Diane Sawyer talked to Julia Roberts and co-star Blair Underwood about their new film, Full Frontal.

Roberts, still giddy from her recent wedding to cameraman Danny Moder, told Sawyer that she's planning to have a family.How will she juggle it all while being the biggest movie star of her time? Roberts says her schedule couldn't be easier.

The following is an uncorrected, unedited transcript of Roberts' interview with ABCNEWS' Diane Sawyer as it aired on Good Morning America.

SAWYER: Does it make you want to work less or more?

ROBERTS: Everything makes me want to work less. Yeah.

SAWYER: Might you? Might you really stop for a while?

ROBERTS: Well, I don't know how I could work less than I do now because I did this movie [Full Frontal] for Soderbergh [Director Steven Soderbergh] in November. I worked five days. I did a movie for George Clooney for eight days in January, and I worked today. Who can work less than me and not be unemployed?


Despite a light shooting schedule, Roberts has been very busy. But how does she work when even her costars are sometimes gawking at her?

ROBERTS: I'm oblivious. I'm oblivious.

SAWYER: Can you be? Can anybody be oblivious to the eyes on them all the time?

ROBERTS: Well, look, the fact of the matter is the reality of what it's like to be me every day, first of all, it's fantastic [laughter], but it's not anything like one would imagine as far as the observation of others. It just really isn't. If it were, then I would have crumbled a thousand years ago.


For Full Frontal, the highest-paid actress in Hollywood took a pay cut. The new film is a little picture about Hollywood. It's a no-frills production no limos, no catering, no makeup and wardrobe people. That's right, Julia Roberts did her own makeup. Her co-star is Blair Underwood. You may remember him from L.A. Law (1986 - 1994).

SAWYER: You did drive yourself to work.