Cute and Quick Makeovers

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 15, 2002, 3:16 PM

N E W   Y O R K, April 15, -- Glamour magazine's executive fashion editor performed makeovers on three women who were just on their way to work, live on Good Morning America.

The following is an unedited, uncorrected transcript of the segment as it aired on Monday's Good Morning America.

ABCNEWS' DIANE SAWYER:Well it's time to get the results of the three luckyare they luckywomen? I don't know what they thought when we pulled them off thestreet this morning on their way to work and said, `How about aMonday morning makeover?' Let's go back to Glamour magazine executivefashion director Suze Yalof Schwartz, and see what happened.

Well they were all so excited, and I mean they can't evenrecognize themselves. Let's take a look. SAWYER:Yeah. Let's see before and after.

SUZE YALOF SCHWARTZ, GLAMOUR MAGAZINE FASHION DIRECTOR:Our first makeoverMonday morning makeover is Miss Debbie. And shelooks just incredible. Before she was wearing ayou know, trying tohide herself, and she was wearing this shirt that was kind ofcamouflaging her stomach and all the different areas. And now... SAWYER:Right. There she was when we saw you on your way to work. YALOF SCHWARTZ:And now we see before. You know, her pants were a little bit tooshort, and too narrow. Her shoes were a little more klunky. Andwhat we did was we put this longer leg on her, a pointier toe. Blackand white is really hot this season. I wanted her to show more neckso that, you know, she could show off her beautiful face and notcover up so much. And this tie in the center this top is fromVerasce about $68. SAWYER:So are you late for work? MISS DEBBIEYeah, I'm late for work today. SAWYER:Is it worth it? MISS DEBBIEYep. It's worth it. Yeah. SAWYER:Oh, that's great. All right. Well thank you very much. Stickaround. Let's go to the before again.