Should Homeschoolers be Allowed on Team?

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 21, 2002, 5:34 PM

Jan. 22 -- Prompted by a dad who is battling to get his homeschooled son on a high school soccer team, Pennsylvania lawmakers are weighing a bill that would require the state's public schools to let homeschoolers participate in sports and other clubs.

Advocates of such laws argue that children who are homeschooled should have access to extracurricular activities since their parents pay property taxes that help fund education in their school districts. Even though their children do not receive the instruction, they should be allowed to socialize with other children and participate in sports and other activities, proponents say.

But critics contend that such activities should be a privilege, not a right. They say that interscholastic sports, for instance, are related to school curriculum and should be reserved for those who actually attend the public school.

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