Man Saves Dog, Dog Saves Man

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 2, 2005, 8:10 AM

Nov. 2, 2005 — -- Michael Bosch of San Rafael, Calif., knew he had a loyal friend in his dog, Honey. But until Monday night, he didn't know he had a savior too.

The cocker spaniel was with Bosch when he backed out a little too far from his driveway, sending his SUV plunging 40 feet into a remote ravine. The vehicle landed on its roof, pinning 63-year-old Bosch inside.

"It was crushed pretty severely between the steering wheel and the stump that pierced the roof of the car and the dashboard," said Tim Thompson of the Marin County Sheriff's Department.

But after several hours, Honey was able to escape when Bosch managed to roll down a window and told the dog to go for help. She ran half a mile to neighbor Robin Allen's house.

"She was bringing me here," Allen said. "She was directing me."

By the time rescuers reached the scene, Bosch had been hanging upside down for more than six hours -- and his pulse was weakening. Honey saved his life just in time. Ironically, Bosch had recently saved hers when he adopted her from a shelter two weeks ago. He had been waiting for a cocker spaniel puppy for more than a year.

"She was brought in by her owner who couldn't continue to care for her, just couldn't afford to," said Sheri Cardo of Marin Humane Society.

By giving Honey a new home, Bosch gave himself a new lease on life.