Actress Abducted As Girl Warns Parents

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 15, 2004, 9:05 PM

March 21 -- Actress Jan Broberg Felt says her childhood abductor returned when she decided to share her strange and frightening story with the world.

In a new book, Stolen Innocence: The Jan Broberg Story, Felt's mother reveals the details of the actress's childhood memories.

The book, written by Mary Ann Broberg, tells the story of Felt's alleged abductions when she was 12 and 14 years old.

Felt, a 41-year-old actress who has a recurring role on the WB family drama Everwood, says the release of the book prompted the accused man, Robert Berchtold, to show up at a women's conference she was hosting with her mother in St. George, Utah, last week.

"I think he's desperate because he knows our story has come out," Felt said on Good Morning America.

In an interview with, Berchtold said he went to the conference not to see or speak to Felt or her mother, but to talk to members of a group called Bikers Against Child Abuse.

Eleven bikers attended the conference at Felt's request for safety protection, according to one volunteer. Berchtold claims members of the team have been hanging around his home in Nevada since Felt began promoting her book in the fall.

However, one of the bikers said Berchtold attacked him with his minivan after he asked to see fliers Berchtold allegedly wanted to distribute. Berchtold said he didn't intend to hit the volunteer. He claims the man jumped on his minivan when he was trying to leave.

After the incident, Berchtold was arrested on charges of simple assault, criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. He was released on bail. The volunteer was not seriously injured.