Exclusive Look at Scott Peterson's Jail Cell

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 30, 2003, 8:28 AM

M O D E S T O, Calif., Oct. 30 -- This time last year, Scott Peterson spent his days playing golf and fishing. Now he spends every day in a 6-by-9-foot jail cell, waiting to find out if he will have to stand trial for the murder of his pregnant wife.

Peterson's tiny new home is located on the maximum-security floor of the Stanislaus County Jail.

Peterson shares the small television located just outside his cell with his closest neighbor.

He sleeps on a 2-inch-thick mattress and eats meals alone in his cell.

Kelly Huston, a spokesman for the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department, says their county jail is as bare bones as it gets.

"This is an older facility. It's got the old-fashioned bars and cement walls, and 6-by-9 cells, and this is certainly no hotel," Huston said.

Prison rules allow Peterson to have only five books, legal paperwork and 10 personal pictures in his cell.

Officials at the county jail say Peterson also gets plenty of reading material from admiring women across the country. He reportedly receives stacks of letters from ladies who apparently support him and hundreds of interview requests from the news media.

Periodically, Peterson is allowed to talk to his parents in the jail's private visiting room.

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The 31-year-old has called the county prison home for the last six months.

He is allowed one shower every other day. He's allowed to perform solitary exercise two times a week and is given a haircut once a month.

While in prison, Peterson sports the standard bright orange prison jumpsuit.

His neighbors are some of the toughest of inmates in California, and many of them are also accused of murder.

Huston says Peterson is one of the most passive prisoners they've ever had.

"If all of our maximum-security inmates behaved like he did, we wouldn't have as many problems as we do in our maximum-security tier," Huston said.

Peterson's walk to the courthouse where his preliminary hearing is taking place is a short one that takes place through an underground tunnel.