Mom Cries for Carlie

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 18, 2005, 7:22 AM

Nov. 18, 2005 -- -- Susan Schorpen wept in court Thursday as the jury returned with a guilty verdict for the man accused of raping and killing her 11-year-old daughter.

"I lost one of the most precious things to me in my life because of an animal," Schorpen said. "I want to know why. Why my daughter? Why an 11-year-old? I'm sure she said to him, "You know, I'm only 11 years old.' Why did he go through with it?"

The jury took five hours to convict Joseph Smith, 39, on charges of kidnapping, raping and strangling Carlie Brucia in February 2004. The abduction was captured by surveillance cameras at a Sarasota, Fla., car wash. Smith was identified after investigators received dozens of calls from people who thought they recognized him on the tape.

Carlie's half-naked body was found behind a local church four days after the surveillance tape was made.

"She was your all-American little girl," Schorpen said. "She was a great kid. She was a lovable child. She was a happy child We'll miss her."

Law enforcement officials who had searched for Carlie said the jury made the right decision.

"My heart goes out to Carlie. My heart goes out to the family," said Sarasota County Sheriff William Balkwill. "It's a good verdict."

Smith, a mechanic with a long criminal record and a father, showed no emotion as the verdict was read. He could receive the death penalty at his Nov. 28 sentencing.

"I'd like to tell him he's the worst form of garbage," Schorpen said. "What he did is he destroyed my entire family He took my daughter, he took my life. A part of me died."

Schorpen had a message for other parents.

"Educate your children," she said. "The innocent person next door, be afraid. Be very afraid. She was three blocks from my house. Help us pass these new laws that are going to come up. Help us get these people off the street."