Who Is That New Guy in Weather?

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 19, 2006, 1:55 PM

Jan. 20, 1006— -- All this week, "Good Morning America" takes you behind the scenes to show you just what goes in to making the show every day. Today ABCNEWS.com sits down with the new kid on the "GMA" block, Mike Barz.

Name: Mike Barz

Position: Features Correspondent

ABCNews.com: So, Mike, what exactly do you bring to the table as a features correspondent?

Mike: I am willing to go anywhere and do anything. I like focusing on the lighter side of life -- the quirky, the unusual, the fun and the emotional. Everyday people have some incredible stories to tell.

ABCNews.com: You've been stepping into the role of weatherman lately. What's that like and what's it like filling the shoes of Tony Perkins?

Mike: I'm glad you asked that because there are two pairs that Tony left behind here and I think they're a size 10. I'm a size 12 and my feet have been killing me for weeks.

ABCNews.com: What's your favorite part of the job?

Mike: I like bringing a smile to people's faces -- that's what I really love. I love walking into a room and have 30 to 50 people standing up and cheering. Can you image walking into your office and there are 30 to 50 people cheering you on. How can you not smile and get energy from that, even at 7 a.m.?

ABCNews.com: What's it like being the new guy at "GMA"?

Mike: I don't know if I should complain or not, but I don't appreciate it when Charlie gives me wedgies in the hallway every morning.

ABCNews.com: What are Charlie, Diane and Robin really like?

Mike: You have this perception going in of these very stoic network anchors and you wonder if they're going to be accepting of this new guy. They've been so great and down-to-earth and so gracious to me.

ABCNews.com: Lots of people describe "GMA" as a family. What's your role?

Mike: I feel like the younger brother that you just kind of laugh at and you hope that he goes to college and does something with his life.

ABCNews.com: What's a typical day in the life of Mike Barz?

Mike: I get up at 3:15, leave the house by 4 a.m., get to Times Square by 5 a.m. I meet with my producer, Gary Stein, and we try to come up with some fun ideas for the day. We have a 5:30 meeting with all the senior producers and anchors to talk about the show. After that I sit down with our meteorologist, Gerard, and discuss the weather around the country and our focus. I meet everyone in the audience before my weather hit. After the show, I head to our uptown office to work on upcoming shows. On a good day, I'm out around by 5 p.m. Then it's all about the kids, and then my other job begins. I have to have a lot of energy to keep up with three kids under 5.

ABCNews.com: What do you miss most about Chicago?

Mike: Sitting at Wrigley Field on a warm sunny day with friends watching the Cubs play. Also, running along the lakefront.

ABCNews.com: What do you like most about New York so far?

Mike: Everything! I love the energy -- the musicals, the restaurants, the corner bars, no pun intended. There's always something to do at any hour of the day. One of my favorite things to do is to simply walk around the city and wander into different neighborhoods. It's amazing how different they are, yet everyone is accepting of one another and embraces those differences.