Dutch TV Show Airs Natalee Holloway Mystery

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2006, 7:47 AM

April 12, 2006 — -- Beth Holloway Twitty is hoping that a Dutch television show could lead to the break she has been waiting for in the search for her daughter, Natalee Holloway, who disappeared during a high school graduation trip to Aruba almost a year ago.

"When I think about the viewers it will reach, I think it can be positive," Twitty said.

On Tuesday night, Holland's equivalent of "America's Most Wanted" aired a re-creation of Natalee's disappearance, with help from the Dutch Department of Justice, and asked viewers to call in with any tips.

The program portrayed Natalee attending a concert on May 30, 2005 -- the last day she was seen. She eats and dances at Carlos 'n Charlie's bar and restaurant, then leaves a little before 1 a.m.

The show also reveals that another woman had been molested in a nearby fisherman's hut just days before Holloway disappeared. Aruban police are looking for the attacker in that case.

Twitty said she had heard about that molestation and had been in contact with the woman involved, but she said she did not believe that crime was related to her daughter's disappearance.

She did, however, learn something new by reading the show's transcripts -- an unidentified woman called the hotline after the show to report seeing four sweaty boys leaving the beach with a shovel the night Natalee disappeared.

"I think they've received less than 100 tips, but I'm hoping today maybe some more will be in," Twitty said.

Twitty said the Dutch show was going to air in Aruba with subtitles.

"Citizens who didn't feel comfortable calling the Aruban police have a new tip line," Twitty said.

Twitty said that the family was trying to advertise the reward money again, and that she was trying to remain positive as she continued the search for her daughter.