Spider-Man Tracks Lead to Missing Boy's Recovery

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 31, 2006, 9:08 AM

May 31, 2006 — -- An 8-year-old Colorado boy found safely after disappearing from a camping trip for four days has his Spider-Man sneakers to thank for his rescue.

Evan Thompson went missing during a camping trip on Saturday. For four days, nearly 100 rescuers, dog teams and three aircraft, including heat-seeking helicopters, combed rugged terrain in search of Evan.

The boy, who reportedly suffers from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, was found in good condition on Tuesday five miles away from his campsite.

The distinctive footprints from his Spider-Man sneakers helped rescuers track his movements and eventually find him.

"Since they are unique, it made us 100 percent sure or really close to 100 percent sure that's who we were tracking at the time," said Chris Larson, a member of the Fremont County, Colo., Search and Rescue Team. "For the next several days, that's how we knew where Evan was, through his prints."

An all-terrain vehicle team discovered Evan. Team members were calling out his name when he responded, "Hey, who's that?"

It took another couple of hours for the rescuers to actually reach him.

"It's absolutely wonderful," said Teddi Gray, Evan's aunt. "It's a miracle. It was everything we were hoping for and praying for."

Gray said she had maintained hope for Evan's safe recovery "through the strength of family, friends, great support line." Evan, she said, was "remarkably wonderful" following his ordeal.

"A few bug bites, a few scratches, a few scrapes. Other than that, he was a little dehydrated and very hungry," she said.

Evan had nothing to eat or drink while he was missing. The first thing he ate after his rescue was a banana. Then he had a soda, some pizza, and grapes for dessert.

"I was sleeping on a rock," said Evan, who admitted to being scared.

Evan's experience hasn't soured him on camping. He reportedly told his aunt he wants to go camping again.