Frantic Search for South Carolina Couple

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 11, 2006, 8:36 AM

Dec. 11, 2006 — -- Just a week after the frantic search for James Kim and his California family, authorities are looking for a couple who disappeared during a road trip.

Wayne and Dianne Guay, a husband and wife from South Carolina, appear to have vanished.

Early Thursday morning, the Guays embarked on their annual Christmas road trip, driving up Interstate 95 from Myrtle Beach, S.C., to New York City.

They planned to drive all 700 miles to their destination, where they would celebrate Christmas and their daughter's birthday.

The Guays never arrived, though, and now their family is sick with worry.

It seems they disappeared without a trace on one of the busiest stretches of highway in the country.

Calls to the Guays' cell phone go straight to voice mail.

State troopers along I-95 haven't seen any accidents that could explain why the couple didn't show up.

No one has reported seeing either the Guays or their vehicle, a white Mazda with South Carolina plates, for more than four days.

Time is crucial -- 57-year-old Wayne is diabetic and needs medication, according to his family.

The Horry Country Sheriff's Department in South Carolina has so far declined to comment.

Desperate, the family is handing out fliers and has even hired helicopters to look for them.

"We break down quite often, but we are trying to be strong for one another and we just need people's help," said Lynne Conway, Dianne Guay's sister.

"It's a nightmare," said Megan Liendo, the couple's daughter. "I just want to wake up from this. This is horrible. I can't picture my life without them. They were the most perfect parents."