Angelina Jolie on Kissing Boyfriend's Good Friend

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 15, 2006, 7:40 AM

Dec. 15, 2006 — -- Imagine you're Matt Damon.

How do you do a love scene with the girlfriend of your good friend, especially if they're Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?

"It's weird. We all know each other," Damon told Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America" during an interview with Jolie, his co-star in new movie "The Good Shepherd."

"In reality both the people we're involved with couldn't have cared less about that because they know us," Jolie said. "You know, it's one of those things where it's like the least threatening person. You know, good luck to you guys, I hope it's not too awkward."

In the film, Damon plays one of the first spies in the CIA, a man who struggles with losing his moral compass. Jolie plays his spirited wife, crushed by her husband's secrets.

"I think early on when we realized this was going to be the film where I am the weak victim and he is the cruel, cruel, terrifying scary man," Jolie said.

Damon says that all Jolie had to do was play her polar opposite. In one scene, Damon said, Jolie has to act "so apologetic and just so unlike Angie."

In real life, Jolie is famously, fiercely independent, like a beautiful general waging war on behalf of those who have the least.

She adopted a child from Cambodia and another from Ethiopia. Many have wondered, though, why she hasn't adopted a needy American child?

"Well, I don't see borders in the world," Jolie said. "I mean I work with programs here for all children."

But Jolie says when she has adopted in the past, she has based her decisions on her emotions.

"Well, to be honest, it's just been, I've been led by something emotional," Jolie said. "So it's not a decision of -- like a catalog of [where I say} I want this kind of child. It's just been I've been moved by the countries."

Another question following Jolie is when -- or whether -- she and Pitt will get married. Damon got married while making "The Good Shepherd."

"It had more of an impact on me than I thought it would," Damon said. "We already had the house in Florida and everything, and so I didn't. I didn't think it was going to really change anything necessarily, but it actually did."