Exclusive: K-Fed's Super Bowl Ad Continues to Stir Controversy

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 29, 2007, 6:54 AM

Jan. 29, 2007 — -- As his rap career wilts and divorce proceedings with his estranged wife, Britney Spears, go forward, Kevin Federline is finding his life getting stranger.

Now a Super Bowl commercial depicting him as a fry cook has embroiled "K-Fed" in the middle of a controversy a full week before the game is played.

"Good Morning America" got an exclusive look at the ad set to air during the game.

The commercial by Nationwide Insurance implies that Federline has fallen so low that he is now a "fry guy" at a fast-food restaurant. The ad contains the tag line "Life comes at you fast" and has infuriated those in the restaurant industry.

"The ad is offensive to anyone who works in the restaurant industry," said Steven Anderson, CEO of the National Restaurant Association.

On behalf of the 12.8 million restaurant workers in America, the National Restaurant Association issued a formal complaint.

"We think that it is demeaning and we think it's offensive, and I'll tell you what, we've got a lot of restaurant operators who are very mad at Nationwide right now," Anderson said.

Nationwide Insurance said it was all meant to be fun.

"I think it's hysterical," said Steven Schreibman, Nationwide's vice president of advertising and brand marketing.

Nationwide representatives stressed that the commercial made a metaphysical point and used Federline as its muse.

"Life can change at any minute, whether it's marriage or divorce, or the birth of a baby," Schreibman said. "All of our lives can change at any minute."

Federline knows all about change. He was an unheralded backup dancer before he became husband to a rich pop princess. Now he is a jilted husband to a rich pop princess.

Some restaurant workers said the ad simply wasn't realistic. One waitress said that she didn't think Federline had the skills to work in her restaurant. Another man said, "I don't think he really has any skills."

It turns out that Federline once worked as a pizza delivery man. So, he does have some food industry experience.