Wet Weather Persists Across U.S.

From Kansas to Texas, rainwater has engulfed entire neighborhoods.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:20 AM

July 3, 2007 — -- From Kansas to Texas, June's monsoon has continued into July. Seven rivers crested at record levels in three states.

More heavy rains are expected in the Plains during the next two days.

Monday's hardest hit areas were Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Coffeyville, Kan., had more trouble after recent flooding when more than 42,000 gallons of crude oil spilled into the swollen Verdigris River.

In Oklahoma, wet weather flooded families in Red Cross shelters. Much of the state has received 10 to 20 inches of rain over the last five weeks.

Dallas had its wettest months ever in May and June. Corpus Christi, Texas, took in 10 inches Monday alone even more in other areas.

Meanwhile, temperatures in the West were expected to simmer over the region. California was expected to hit triple digits, and temperatures in the upper 90s were forecast across Washington and Oregon. The hottest areas in the Southwest could surpass 120 degrees.