CDC Stands by Decision to Sound Public Alarm

TB patient Andrew Speaker's case was not as serious as previously believed.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 4, 2007, 7:46 AM

July 4, 2007 — -- Doctors said an Atlanta lawyer, who triggered an international health scare by traveling after he'd been diagnosed with tuberculosis, has a less-severe form of the disease than previously believed.

The results of multiple tests suggest the form of TB Andrew Speaker has may be the multidrug-resistant variety rather than the extremely drug resistant strain.

Doctors said Speaker can now be treated with certain antibiotics.

"It allows us to change the way we treat him. We have put surgery on hold for the time being while we try to build a strong treatment regime with drugs that we did not initially think we would have available for use," said Dr. Charles Daley, head of infectious diseases at National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, which has been treating Speaker..

Speaker said today on "Good Morning America" that his family was excited to learn about the development.

"It's really fantastic news," he said. "It's a complete shift. It makes a huge difference."

Speaker has been kept in isolation for a month at the Denver medical facility.

His wife, Sarah Speaker, said she was happy with the care her husband had received.

"We've been given nothing but optimism and good predictions of his health," she said. Sarah Speaker said her biggest concern was all the media attention the case has received and how it has been handled.

Andrew Speaker said he still faults the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for how it handled the situation.

"Every single time some good news comes out, their story just changes," he said.

Health officials have maintained they would have sounded the same public alarm.