Beauty Queen Says Pageant Withheld Her Scholarship

Miss South Carolina said she received no scholarship funds after winning.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 1:06 AM

Sept. 26, 2007 — -- In 2004, Miss South Carolina, Ashley Wood, proudly competed in the Miss America pageant. She was drawn to the competition because she saw it as a positive showcase for brains and beauty not to mention for the hundreds of thousands of dollars the pageant gives away each year in the form of scholarships.

But after being crowned Miss South Carolina all state titles fall under the Miss America organization Wood's dream of financing her education with such funds came to an abrupt end when the pageant refused to give her the scholarship.

Now, she is involved in a bitter dispute with the organization over her $25,000 scholarship prize, of which she has yet to receive a single cent.

Wood isn't the only Miss America winner to complain about such negligence an increasing number of pageant participants report having difficulty collecting their winning scholarships.

"There are a lot of winners of Miss America state and local pageants who struggle to get their scholarships," New York Times writer Jennifer 8. Lee told "Good Morning America."

According to Lee's article in the Sept. 24 issue of the Times, oversight due to a lack of communication between local chapters of a national organization is often the reason why Miss America winners don't see their scholarship funds. Miss America farms out its pageants to 52 state organizations, and each state then contracts out to 1,200 local pageants.

"The quality of the local pageants and the oversight of the local pageants can vary a lot," Lee said. "What you will hear from some of the people who have problems is either the local pageant director won't return e-mails or hasn't returned phone calls. Or the pageant is no longer in existence and they don't know where to go for as a recourse to get this money they have legitimately won."

At least nine states' winners have been unable to collect their scholarships, according to the Times article.

In Wood's case, Miss America officials said that she missed the deadline for a scholarship extension and that she hadn't read her contract carefully enough according to pageant officials, the contract states that winners must spend the local money they are awarded before spending the state money.

Officials also told ABC News in a statement that "participants can't arbitrarily rewrite the rules to suit themselves, and then cry foul when those rules around bent."