Exposed: Clooney's Medical Records

Hospital employees are suspended after peeking at George Clooney's records.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 12, 2009, 4:27 PM

Oct. 10, 2007 — -- Hollywood actors are used to being followed by the paparazzi and having their most intimate moments published in the tabloids.

But there are a few places most people would think they're protected, including the doctor's office. Now one of the biggest stars in the world, George Clooney, has found that not even his hospital records are confidential.

In his newest film Michael Clayton, Clooney plays a "fixer" who is hired to make sure private lives remain private. But in the real world, his life is anything but.

More than two dozen employees at the Palisades Medical Center in New Jersey have been suspended without pay for a month for allegedly accessing Clooney's confidential medical records. He visited the medical center when he and girlfriend, Sarah Larson, were treated for injuries sustained in his recent motorcycle accident.

The hospital is reportedly further investigating whether some of the workers also gave the press details on Clooney's condition and maybe even gave out his family members' phone numbers.

A union representing seven suspended nurses says the employees indeed peeked at Clooney's records, but didn't divulge any confidential information.

A representative for Clooney tells ABC News he that the movie star said, "while I believe in a patient's right to privacy, I would hope that this could be settled without suspending medical workers."

Maybe he has a special place in his heart for hospital workers, since playing one on "ER" made him a star.