Parents Want Son's Captor to 'Suffer' Behind Bars

Shawn Hornbeck's parents said death penalty "too easy" for Michael Devlin.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 18, 2009, 12:54 PM

Oct. 11, 2007 — -- The parents of Shawn Hornbeck, the 11-year-old boy kidnapped and forced to live with captor Michael Devlin for four years, said today they are pleased Devlin was sentenced to life behind bars instead of the death penalty.

"The more I think about it, I almost want him to suffer," Pam Akers, Hornbeck's mother, told "Good Morning America" today.

Craig Akers, Hornbeck's stepfather, said that the death penalty was "just too easy."

"It's all over and he's gone and it's done," Craig said.

The Akers made a statement before the court Wednesday before Devlin was sentenced.

Pam Akers said it was "horrible" to have to stand so close to Devlin in the courtroom.

"It was one of those times where you have to really dig down deep and utilize all the self-control you can possibly muster," Craig Akers said. "You want so desperately to exact your own revenge."

In their emotional statements to the court, the Akers said that Shawn was taken from them for 1,558 miserable days. Craig said that so many "firsts" were taken away from Shawn that he was hoping to experience with him as a father.

"You know, the first time he shaves. The first time he drives a car. His first date, school dances," Akers said today on "GMA." "We'll never, ever get to experience those. You know, we still have our boy back. But there's so many things that are still gone and not retrievable."

The Akers said that Shawn was "doing well" and catching up in school.

The Akers have also set up a foundation to help families with missing children