Alleged 'Bonnie and Clyde': From Glamour to Slammer

Friends call alleged identity thief Jocelyn Kirsch manipulative and powerful.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2009, 6:13 PM

Dec. 7, 2007 — -- From a year of glamour to a night in the slammer, Jocelyn Kirsch emerged from a Philadelphia jail Thursday, shielding her face.

Kirsch, 22, and her alleged partner in crime, boyfriend and University of Pennsylvania graduate Edward Anderton, 25, surrendered to police Wednesday with their parents by their side.

The two were arrested after police say they stole money from neighbors in an elaborate identity theft operation.

"They're just devastated and sad and really remorseful about all this," said Kirsch's attorney, Ronald Greenblatt.

What many are calling the modern-day Bonnie and Clyde posted bail Thursday. Kirsch's bail was set at $105,000 and Anderton's at $130,000.

Kirsch is staying with her father, a plastic surgeon, in North Carolina, and Anderton is with his parents in Washington state.

Police say the couple stole their neighbors' identities and may have even broken into their homes to install spyware on their computers. Dozens of keys, credit cards and fake IDs were discovered in the young couple's upscale apartment.

Jail is a far cry from the lavish lifestyle and trips around the world Kirsch and Anderton took with the $100,000 they allegedly stole.

Sallie Cook, Kirsch's former best friend at Drexel University, claims Kirsch even stole money from her and says it was strange behavior for the sorority party girl who appeared to have it all.

"They don't have any rules or anything. They do whatever they want," Cook said about Kirsch and Anderton.

Cook said Kirsch "tried to be" charming.

"They are the 'power couple,'" Cook said. "They're both gorgeous and both very powerful. They come from money. They can talk their way out of any situation."

Former acquaintance Ian Jacobson called Kirsch manipulative.

"She dug her claws into people and twisted them into doing things the things she wanted to see," Jacobson said.

Hairdresser Jennifer Bisicchia, who claims Kirsch wrote her a bad check for $2,200 worth of hair extensions, says she received a threatening text message after confronting Kirsch.

The message said, "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. You seem like a smart girl walk away now, or you will regret it."