Slushy Mess Makes Treacherous Commute

Ice and slush plague drivers from Midwest to Northeast after Tuesday's storms.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 7:51 PM

Feb. 13, 2008 — -- With ice and freezing rain in the Midwest and Northeast, tens of millions are waking up to treacherous weather and a dangerous morning commute.

First there was the snow, then the freezing rain. Together they formed a toxic combination, creating a nightmare rush hour Tuesday that caused chaos on roads up and down the East Coast.

"It was just a glare of ice and I hit a little red truck and so it threw me off the road," said one man who veered off a road.

Four big rigs crashed in a sudden chain reaction on Interstate 70 near Pittsburgh, closing the highway for four hours.

"I'm stuck. I don't know where to go. I am low on gas. I'm trapped between these cars so I can't even go around," said a woman stuck in the tie-up.

Five hours away in Philadelphia, drivers were stuck for hours, after police blocked the ramps onto Interstate 95 South, after a tractor-trailer accident. In the height of the afternoon commute, police also closed the bridge over the Delaware River so that crews could spread salt.

At least 15 accidents were reported on Interstate 395 in Virginia, including an eight-car pileup.

In New York City two people were killed when a garbage truck slid off the road.

In New England, where they are expecting up to a foot of snow, some towns, like Hanover, N.H., have almost run out of salt.