Diane and 'GMA' Staff Prepare for Their Dare

Diane Sawyer and "GMA" staff learn about self-hypnosis.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2008, 8:35 AM

Feb. 27, 2008 — -- The mind holds untapped power, and many try to use this intense mental potential to control pain, fear and anxiety.

With the help of hypnosis, "Good Morning America" anchor Diane Sawyer hopes to tap into the deepest part of her mind to walk on fire. Wednesday she and other "GMA" staff members attempt to walk over hot coals that burn at more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Watch 'GMA' Wednesday when Diane Sawyer Walks Over Hot Coals, Live

To learn more about the power of the mind, Diane Sawyer and the "GMA" staff studied how self-hypnosis could help them not only meet this dare but handle everyday complaints and stresses.

"Hypnosis has been called 'believed in imagination.' It's a form of highly focused attention," said Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford University. "You control what you focus on and what effect it has on you and your body."

Deep mental focus has been credited with helping free divers hold their breath for up to eight minutes and for getting women through childbirth without pain. In 1961, a hypnotized woman had a Caesarean section without anesthetics.

She simply sung the song her hypnotist suggested she sing.

"We hear all the time about the incredible ways in which monks and yogis are able to rewire their brains through intense practice," said Anne Harrington, who wrote "The Cure Within." "Maybe one important thing we should be doing more of is trying to discover the extraordinary in our own world," said Harrington.

So how would self-hypnosis work for the "GMA" staff members?

First, Spiegel met individually with the firewalkers to determine who was more, or less, susceptible to hypnosis.

Afterward the group gathered and Spiegel asked them to remember funny things to relax their minds. Then Diane and the others were told to imagine two screens. On the left side they envisioned a specific problem, and on the right they visualized a pleasurable place where they imagined a solution.

During the exercise, Diane kept peeking, and Spiegel caught her.

"You were observing, Diane. I noticed that," Spiegel said.