Get the $60 a Week Shopping List

Grandma's tips for home-cooking on the cheap.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2009, 6:16 PM

March 11, 2008 — -- On "Good Morning America" today Jodi Balis divulged her secrets for eating on $60 a week.

Now you can get her shopping list to see just how Balis does it.

Below you'll find all the fresh foods she uses to feed herself and her husband. It includes three meals per day and snacks for the entire week.

Also, you'll find Balis' kitchen staples -- the items she already had in her pantry to complete her week's menu.

But first check out some additional notes from Balis.

I shop between Friday and Sunday. During the farmer's market season, I coordinate shopping with my farmer's market days -- Thursday, Saturday or Sunday, depending on which market I decide to go to.
All recipes and ingredients are tied together. For example, I have whole wheat tortillas in a dinner meal, so I use the remaining tortillas as a breakfast item.

I have included a list of each ingredient and how each ingredient was used multiple times.

The whole menu is based on dinner. It is the ingredients and recipes from dinner that determines what we will be eating for our other meals. I link ingredients used for dinner with lunch and breakfast ingredients.


Chicken with citrus pan sauce (from over

Creamy polenta and garlicky greens

Homemade sourdough bread


Vegetable frittata

Split pea soup

Homemade sourdough bread


Quinoa quesadillas stuffed with chipotle corn and greens

Butternut squash soup


Thai chicken satay

Asian peanut noodles

Edamame carrot salad with rice wine dressing


Garbanzo burgers on homemade sourdough with creamy BBQ dressing

Sweet potato fries


Curried cabbage chickpea roll-ups (from Low Fat Moosewood Cookbook)

Quinoa with roasted corn


Pizza Night! We use leftover veggies and put in on homemade pizza dough. Some weeks I make our own fresh mozzarella.

We keep lunch simple. Leftovers carry us for three to four days out of the week.

Nonleftover Lunches:
1) Cold Cuts (we use "soy meat") with tortilla and fruit
2) bean and grain salad (the beans and grains I made for the week; shredded carrots thrown in) with fruit
3) We like good fashioned PBJ with our homemade bread w/ fruit.

I like to have options for three different breakfast items during the work week.

On the weekends, we will either make pancakes, crepes, waffles or corn bread, for example.

Breakfast options during the week:

1) Whole wheat tortilla or homemade wheat bread with peanut butter, honey and sliced banana

2) Hot cereal with soy milk and raisins (if I have leftover winter squash, I will stir a about 1/4 cup into my cereal. It tastes great, is a way to get a vegetable into my meal and it stretches the recipe)

3) Boxed cereal (my husband likes to eat dry cereal!)

4) Carrot raisin squash muffins

Chickpeas: curried cabbage roll ups, garbanzo burgers
Onions: curried cabbage roll ups, pizza, split pea soup
Frozen spinach: quesadillas, pizza,
Frozen corn: quesadillas, garbanzo burgers, roasted corn and quinoa
Butternut squash: muffins, butternut squash soup
Chicken: chicken with citrus pan sauce, Thai chicken satay
Quinoa: quinoa quesadillas, curried lentils soup, roasted corn and quinoa

Whole wheat tortillas - 2 packages

Tortilla chips


She says you can save a lot of money if you keep your pantry stocked with staples and cook from scratch as much as possible.

Flour (white and whole wheat)





7 Grain Cereal

Coarse corn meal


Baking powder

Baking soda

Brown sugar

White sugar



Cinnamon stick

Whole cardamom

Cayenne pepper


Whole cloves

Curry powder


Olive Oil

Canola Oil

Black tea

Green tea


Soy milk