Divorce Judge's Ruling Trashes Heather Mills

Court documents offer new details of Mills and McCartney's volatile marriage.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 19, 2008, 10:15 AM

March 19, 2008 — -- The judge in the Heather Mills-Paul McCartney divorce case eviscerated Mills in court papers, writing that the former model is "out of control" and lives in a world of "make-believe."

The 58-page ruling by Judge Hugh Bennett, which was released Tuesday despite Mills' request that it be sealed, offers a candid look inside the couple's often volatile four-year marriage.

Mills, 40, portrayed herself as McCartney's business partner, claiming she helped the former Beatle write songs and get his career back on track.

She also "counseled" him about the death of his former wife Linda, according to the documents.

"I was his full-time wife, mother, lover, confidante, business partner and psychologist," she said.

Bennett said that while Mills no doubt offered support to McCartney, she wildly exaggerated her role in his career.

"I wholly reject her account that she rekindled the husband's professional flame and gave him back his confidence," Bennett wrote.

Mills requested $250 million in the divorce settlement, a demand the judge called "exorbitant." Instead, she was awarded $48.6 million, or $1.2 million a year, and a $5 million property in London.

"Although she strongly denied it, her case boils down to the syndrome of 'me too' or 'if he has it I want it too,'" Bennett wrote.

Bennett's ruling paints a portrait of a woman who lied when it suited her and at times "behaved in an erratic, out of control and vengeful manner."

Addressing the bad press Mills said she has received, the judge said that "to some extent, she is her own worst enemy. She has an explosive and volatile character."

Underscoring that point, Mills dumped a glass of water over the head of McCartney's attorney, Fiona Shackelton, after Monday's hearing when the divorce settlement was announced.

Mills' attorney Gloria Allred said the judge's comments were unjustly personal and harsh. "Why was that necessary to engage in a personal attack, like an assassination of her character?"