Excerpt: 'Maya Angelou: A Glorious Celebration'

Writer Maya Angelou turns 80 on Friday.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 4:46 PM

March 31, 2008 — -- As one of the world's most beloved and admired artists, Maya Angelou has carved out a unique place in American literature. Now, a new book, "Maya Angelou: A Glorious Celebration," chronicles the former poet laureate's life.

The book is a combination of family photographs and a biography of the bestselling author.

Read an excerpt of the book below.

She's the tall, imposing cocoa-skinned woman standing in the winter's chill, the poet reminding the nation and its leaders of the fragility of our planet, the wonder of life, the hope of humankind at William Jefferson Clinton's first inauguration as President of the United States. She's the writer sharing hard-earned wisdom, humorous and painful truths and powerful affirmations, urging her readers to laugh, to dare, to strive, to dream, to love, to say Yes! to life. The autobiographer whose frank thoughtful sharing of her life's journey continues to captivate, challenge, and inspire readers of all ages around the world. The much-sought-after speaker urging her audiences to own their truths, claim their voices, and fully embrace their lives. Calling us to higher ground, her words nurture our spirits, stretch our minds, and stir our hearts. Her messages affirm our shared humanity, the human experience, and the sacredness of life. We laugh and rejoice with her. She challenges us and calls us to love ourselves and one another, to live fully, savor life, and embrace our potential. Her voice—hot chocolate smooth, melodious and welcoming—holds listeners spellbound. Her laughter starts deep, envelopes, and invites us all to share the joy.

Her name is Maya Angelou. And hers is a rich life. She's danced and sung in theaters and nightclubs, acted, written, and directed works for the stage, television, and film. She's a college professor, serious scholar, and a generous mentor. She's the loving mother of one son, a proud grandmother, and wise, doting great-grandmother. She's a woman with a grand passion for life that she's shared with husbands and soulmates, with family, chosen kin, and an enduring, ever-expanding circle of friends; she lives the life she sings about on the page to the fullest. Her homes, elegantly appointed, always welcoming and comfortable, abound with hundreds of books and the art that she's collected all of her adult life. Her skill in the kitchen is the stuff of legend—from haute cuisine to down-home comfort food—and the source of great pleasure for both the cook and those invited to share. At her table God is always thanked, food savored, laughter and rich talk encouraged. She revels in gathering folk around her, in her home, at her table, ever welcoming.