Anchorwoman's Parents Comb Through Crime Scene

Anne Pressly's parents return to her home to help police search for clues.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 17, 2008, 10:12 AM

Nov. 17, 2008 — -- Police are still searching for the person who killed Anne Pressly, a 26-year-old Little Rock, Ark., anchorwoman who was found brutally beaten in her bed Oct. 20. She died several days later from her injuries.

Pressly's mother, Patti Cannady, discovered her daughter's body, and she and her husband, Guy, had not returned to the crime scene together since then. This weekend, though, they combed through the house with police, searching for clues that may have been missed.

The Cannadys gave "Good Morning America" an exclusive look inside their daughter's house, recreating the terrible morning she was found.

When Pressly did not answer a wake-up call, which was unusual, Patti Cannady, who was visiting from South Carolina, went to her daughter's house to see whether anything was wrong.

"I see that Anne's car is here, I also notice that the front porch light is on and that the newspaper has been delivered and I go to the front door and I run up and I start calling for Anne," she said.

Patti Cannady also noticed that the fence around Pressly's house was closed but that the latch was up. "I thought that was very strange," she said.

Once inside the house, Patti Cannady said she kept calling her daughter's name. "I thought she might be in the shower or might be in her dressing room getting ready, have the hair dryer going or something like that."

The house was immaculate, with nothing out of place, Patti Cannady said, but she knew something was wrong. When she went to her daughter's bedroom, she made the awful discovery -- Pressly was in her bed severely beaten and struggling to breathe.

"This is where I found her and I could not take in what I was seeing," Patti Cannady said. "It was very bad. ... I said, 'Anne, Anne, momma's here.' I said, 'Who did this to you?'"

The Cannadys are frustrated because few leads have emerged in the investigation, and police continue to call their daughter's attack a random burglary.

But the extreme violence Pressly suffered makes that difficult for her parents to believe.

"To have something so violent done to someone would lead you to believe there may be more to it than just simple burglary," Guy Cannady said.