Woman on a Mission to Marry in 52 Weeks

Neenah Pickett started a Web site to help her find a future husband by 2010.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 2, 2009, 10:11 AM

Jan. 2, 2009 — -- Lots of people made New Year's resolutions this week, but Neenah Pickett is really a woman on a mission -- a mission to find a husband in 2009.

Pickett, a 42-year-old media consultant from New Jersey, launched a Web site Thursday called www.52weeks2findhim.com to help her meet her future mate by next New Year's Eve.

It's online dating to the extreme, but Pickett thinks it's so simple, it just might work. A man can just go on her site and fill out a profile.

"I think what happens a lot is men will go to the dating Web sites and they just sort of have to plow through hundreds of different profiles," Pickett said today on "Good Morning America."

"The goal was try to make it easier for men and say, 'Here's this Web site where you can easily go and learn about me and watch the videos.' It's not just my picture and you meet me and I look different from my picture. I have videos up there. I have friends talking about me."

Pickett said like many women who work in New York City, she was extremely focused on her career in her 20s and 30s and didn't spend time looking for Mr. Right. Now after one failed engagement and around 100 fruitless Internet dates, she's decided to get more proactive.

Pickett acknowledged that her efforts might be perceived as desperate.

"I do worry about it," she said. "But I think there's a little of a double standard. I think of shows like 'The Bachelor,' they don't ever refer to the guy as desperate, but always the women."

"It's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a great way to learn about me. I don't think I come across as desperate on the Web site. I think once they get to know me, I'm pretty easygoing, I'm a fun person. But if that's the perception they want to take away, I can't really do anything about that."

Pickett said she doesn't have a long list of qualifications a man must meet. She's looking for someone adventurous, easygoing, loyal and with a sense of humor.

"I'm really open to meeting a lot of people from different backgrounds, ages, ethnicities," she said.