Twitter Away With 'GMA'

Get up-to-the-minute updates on "GMA's" Twitter page.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 3, 2009, 8:21 PM

March 4, 2009 — -- What do Ashton Kutcher, Sam Champion and MC Hammer have in common besides nice hair and sweet dance skills?

You can follow their every move on Twitter.

For the very latest from your favorite morning television program, follow along with "GMA's" Twitter page by clicking here.

For the uninitiated, Twitter is essentially an Internet site that lets you share your thoughts and activities with the world in near real time.

Users get 140 characters -- that's not much -- to say what they are doing.

Now "Good Morning America" is getting in on the act. At "GMA's" Twitter page you can get up-to-the-minute updates on what we're doing.

But we're far from the only ones who "tweet" away the day.

For instance, ABC Dude, ABC News' John Berman, tweeted while writing a piece about Twitter.

Sam Champion tweeted during the Oscars.

Click here to see the Twitter pages of several other ABC News correspondents and here for "GMA" Weekend's Twitter page.

For many celebrities, Twitter gives a direct line between them and fans.

For instance, the more than 220,000 people that follow Kutcher could have read Tuesday that he took a French class and wanted crepes, but decided to work out instead.

Hammer has more than 150,000 followers and tweets about 50 times a day.

"I love anything that shortens the distance from creation to consumer," Hammer said of Twitter. "The middle men keep getting in the way."

One of Twitter's co-founders, Biz Stone, explains the online phenomenon poetically.

"It's rudimentary communication that's happening in real time between individuals and allowing them to move as one in this beautiful way," Stone said.