'Good Morning America's' Big Adventure

Tune in to the biggest morning show on Earth next week.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 5, 2009, 2:02 PM

March 5, 2009 — -- Join "Good Morning America" next week as we travel around the world to see the biggest, most incredible sites, both natural and manmade, in the world.

Each day a "GMA" anchor will be live in one of the most exotic, exciting and plain biggest spots on Earth -- and they'll be Twittering their real-time, behind-the-scenes observations and insights.

You can follow along with "GMA's" Twitter page by clicking here.

For the uninitiated, Twitter is essentially an Internet site that lets you share your thoughts and activities with the world in near real time. Users get 140 characters -- that's not much -- to say what they are doing.

Be sure to tune in to -- or tweet with -- "GMA" for a very BIG week!