How to Save Big With Online Coupons

Get tips on how to save big on your shopping bills with online coupons.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 19, 2009, 5:16 PM

March 20, 2009 — -- Online searches for coupons have shot up 160 percent during the recession, and "Good Morning America" technology contributor Becky Worley offers five great tips that will help you save big with the coupons.

A lot of people have thought about clipping coupons, especially in this bad economy -- but they took a stab at it and realized it takes a lot of time.

By using the Web, though, they can dramatically cut down on that time, and still get all the great savings that coupons bring.

You can find coupons for those must-have items that you need all year long in just a few minutes now.

Look for sites that are aggregators, like On these sites, people find deals for you out of the goodness of their own heart, and they are self-policed so you know the deals are real and good. There are coupons and discount codes, often more than one that can be combined for even greater savings.

The other plus is that the sites are easy to use. I went to, and typed in "diapers." I wanted to find cheap diapers for my baby and the site came up with a bunch of great deals.

The best was at a site called, where I went, got a $10 discount for being a first time buyer and found a mail-in rebate for another $14 discount.

Also, I was able to buy $54 worth of Pampers cruisers -- four boxes of 140 diapers and another four boxes of 30 diapers -- for only $30. I saved $24, a huge savings.

In addition to using those sites that aggregate the deals, which are always fresh, you can use Google blogs to find the very best deals.

There's a little drop-down bar on the top tabs on the Google Web site that says "more." That tab has a blogs option, and all you have to do is put the item you're looking for into that tab and you'll find thousands of mom blogs out there filled with coupons. Everyone else is doing the work for you, and it's in real time because the blogs are constantly updated.