George Sodini Hidden Blog Post Reveals He Reconsidered Lethal Rampage

In unpublished entry, shooter says for date with a woman he would cancel plan.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 5, 2009, 5:11 PM

Aug. 6, 2009— -- George Sodini briefly considered calling off his murderous rampage at a Pennsylvania health club, which left three women dead and nine injured.

In a written but unpublished post to his blog, the 48-year-old gunman wrote that if a particular woman he admired from afar would be his girlfriend, he would "cancel this plan or put [it] on hold, at least for a while," ABC News has learned through an analysis of his blog's hidden source code.

"At the gym I saw a woman I like. I see her at the park and ride sometimes, so she isn't a stranger. Occationaly [sic] she makes good eye contact and smiles, etc. She is maybe 40ish, and attractive to me," Sodini wrote on his blog and then hid from public view with a veil of computer code.

"I made brief conversation to her and a younger woman she was with today. To get a friend like her (and for night time action) I would cancel this plan, or put on hold, at least for a while," he wrote.

The identity of the woman -- and whether she was in the gym when Sodini came in shooting -- remains unknown and will perhaps stay that way forever, given that Sodini took his own life in the shooting.

It's unknown when the the blog entry -- obscured from public view with code or "commented out" -- was written. The last known published entry was on Aug. 3, in which Sodini wrote he will spend the next day "practic[ing] my routine and make sure it is well polished." Also on Aug. 3, he wrote that he "will try not to add anymore entries because this computer clicking distracts me."

It is also unknown why Sodini would have written the entry and then hidden it from public view.