'William Wales' Graduates From College

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 16, 2005, 1:08 PM

Oct. 6, 2005 — -- For four years, "William Wales," aka Prince William, second in line to the British throne, enjoyed the relative quiet of his Scottish university life.

But when the 23-year old royal hunk left the University of St. Andrews with a diploma in hand in June, many expected him to take on a more public role at the palace.

The globe-trotting Queen Elizabeth II hoped to get No. 2 to the throne to step up to the "Buckingham" plate and do some handshaking and ribbon-cutting in her place. He did just that this summer by visiting far-flung islands representing Britain. Now he's "farming" before he has to shape up for the military academy. Ultimately, though, Wills has no choice but to settle in London and join the family business.

Wills' schedule after school let him stay out of the fray.

First stop: New Zealand for a part-time official gig accompanying the British and Irish Lions rugby team. Reality doesn't bite when you've got sun, sports and plenty of beer flowing as your first post-college job.

The prince flew solo on this one, representing the queen. And unlike her, he laced up his booties and practiced with the lads.

With that first official tour of duty done, Wills was likely in grandma's good graces, which bought him more time.

William has told his college buddies that he would like to return to Africa and pursue Princess Diana's humanitarian efforts fighting landmine proliferation and raising money for AIDS.

Prince William was especially close to his mother who died when he was 15. The prince helped plan his mother's funeral and suggested that Elton John, his mom's friend, sing "Candle in the Wind." William walked in the funeral procession with his father, brother, uncle (Diana's brother, Charles Spencer) and grandfather (Prince Philip).

After high school, William took a year off and spent some time in Chile and in Africa. Like his mother, William is said to dislike the excessive royal protocol so getting away is probably a godsend. Just like Diana though, perhaps he's thinking that humanitarian causes will help him step out into the world while at the same time helping others. Mommy would be proud!

Wills' passport will likely darken with stamps as he jet-sets to Africa, the United States, Spain, Portugal and most definitely, India.

"I have so many things I want to do, and I am scared -- really scared -- that I won't have enough time to see them through. It's as if the clock is ticking already," he told The Daily Mail, a British paper.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, indeed, since daddy has supposedly put a limit on his eldest son's gallivanting about the globe. Royal sources say that the palace wants to keep the prince "busy" with projects so that it doesn't look like he's partying at taxpayers' expense.

He's not partying these days as he embarks on a "farm" job. No heavy lifting, I assure you, Wills is "managing" daddy's friend's estate, Chatsworth House. The prince would like to pursue countryside management, a fancy term for gentleman farmer allowing one to wear "green wellies" (rubber boots) and get out of London's traffic-infested center.

Another way to avoid the family business a little longer will be to follow his warrior (and less academic) brother, Prince Harry. The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst will soon have two "Officer Wales" in their midst. Sources close to Wills say he plans to don army fatigues in January.

It's a tradition for royal males to serve in the armed forces. Prince Charles holds honorary ranks, including vice-admiral in the Royal Navy, lieutenant-general in the British Army and air marshal in the Royal Air Force.

Prince Andrew served in the Royal Navy and retired as a commander.

But these are different times with England at war. The last English king to lead his forces into battle was George II in 1743. Not exactly yesterday.

It's fine to follow tradition but this isn't skeet-shooting in the country. It doesn't seem to frighten William, who declared, "If I was to join the Army I'd want to go where my men went, and I'd want to do what they did," according to Hello magazine.

Bummer for his girlfriend Kate but then again she hasn't been forgotten.