Wife Seeks Husband Who Disappeared During Vacation

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 26, 2005, 8:24 AM

July 26, 2005 — -- When Michelle Kramer fell in love with Mark Weinberger, she was certain she had stepped into a fairy tale. Five years later, she woke up in a real-life nightmare, and now she's looking to settle the score.

Kramer was a 25-year-old graduate student when she met Weinberger, an Ivy League-educated doctor who had been married twice before. Within a month they had moved in together, and in a year they were married.

About that time, Kramer opened a sinus clinic in Indiana, and his income began to soar. When the couple married, they had three wedding receptions, two in Chicago and one in Italy.

Weinberg showered his new bride with journeys on private jets, their own yacht and exotic travel to the Mediterranean and beyond.

Last fall, Weinberger took Kramer to Greece to celebrate her 30th birthday. But during that trip, Kramer woke up to discover her husband was gone. That was Sept. 24, 2004. She has not seen her husband since.

In the ensuing hunt for her husband, disturbing clues emerged suggesting Weinberger, now 42, is alive and on the run.

Weinberger's patients had filed over 330 medical malpractice suits against the doctor, and his "successful" clinic was more than $6 million in debt. His physician's license in Indiana was revoked in May 2005.

Weinberger has not been convicted of a crime, and Kramer believes as a doctor he was "the best." However, she does not speak so glowingly about Weinberger, the human being.

Shortly after his disappearance, Kramer says Weinberger charged $50,000 on his credit card in the South of France.

"I would really like to see him again, just to get some closure," Kramer said. She is cooperating with the FBI to help apprehend her husband.

She believes he is somewhere in the Mediterranean, perhaps cruising between Spain, France and Greece on a yacht. She said he bought books on how to trade online shortly before his disappearance and might be pursuing that now, or living off the more than $2 million she believes he stashed away in international bank accounts.

Kramer is trying to move on with her own life, although she worries she might have some trust issues in the future.

"It's been a long road over the past almost year," she said. "I definitely went through some point where I was very depressed and very hurt, but now I'm looking forward."