Syncopated Ladies Perform Tap Routine to Beyonce's "Formation," Live on 'GMA'

The Los Angeles tap dancing group has had 6 million video views online.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 28, 2016, 9:48 AM
VIDEO: Syncopated Ladies Showcase Tap Dancing Skills, Live on 'GMA'
VIDEO: Syncopated Ladies Showcase Tap Dancing Skills, Live on 'GMA'

— -- With more than a million views on YouTube, female tap dance band the Syncopated Ladies are now showing off their moves around the globe.

The Los Angeles group stopped by “Good Morning America” today to perform their routine to Beyoncé’s “Formation,” and to share how they got their start on becoming “fierce, feminine and strong.”

“My sister and I are a producing team and it’s really about sisterhood, collaboration,” co-producer Maud Arnold said. “Beyoncé’s music is so inspiring. It just makes you feel something, so it’s really all about the feeling.

The Syncopated Ladies are now on tour.