Teen Acne, Sweating and Sex: Read 'You: The Owners Manual for Teens'

Teen 'Owners Manual' Offers Guidance on Acne, Sweat, Sex and More

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 7, 2011, 2:03 PM

May 7, 2011— -- The authors of "YOU" will host a live Q&A just for teens tonight, June 7, from 7-8pm, EDT. Visit DoctorOz.com for more details and to join the discussion.

Drs. Michael Roizen, Mehmet Oz and Ellen Rome help teens figure out what is happening to their bodies in "YOU: The Owner's Manual for Teens: A Guide to a Healthy Body and Happy Life." The approachable book tackles physical and emotional health issues such as acne, sweating and sex, which influences decision-making.

Read an excerpt from "YOU: The Owner's Manual for Teens: A Guide to a Healthy Body and Happy Life" below, then check out some other books in the "GMA" library.

Excerpt from the Introduction

If we gave you three minutes to scribble down a list of the most important things in your life, we suspect you'd pop in your earbuds, dial up some of your favorite music, and scratch down a few answers that look something like this: Your friends and familyThe boy or girl you likeHaving cool clothesSchoolMaking it through your math test tomorrowStaying zit freeMaking the soccer teamUnlimited texting plans

Excellent list. No quibbles from us whatsoever. Though the specifics may change from person to person, there's no doubt that your priorities—relationships, performance, appearance—are the priorities of virtually everybody else your age. But if you'd allow us to make a small adjustment to whatever list you came up with, we'd like to squeeze in one more word: You.

Chances are, you think that you—and all the things that make up you, like your health—are about as sexy a topic as the history of the pencil, but we're here to flip that notion upside its head, beat it with a stethoscope, and show you something you may never have thought of before: Your body is the vehicle you need to fulfill every wish that you have, and keeping it healthy will make it more likely that you'll succeed in fulfilling those wishes. What we're talking about here is more than just the bodily functions that you may normally associate with the word health.

When we talk about health, we mean your brain, your relationships, your feelings, your identity, and your mood, as well as those bodily functions—all the things that make you feel the way you feel, think the way you think, and act the way you act. Take a few minutes each day to focus on the health of your body and mind, and you'll be raring to go after what you want in life—whether it's having great relationships, getting into a college you want, or following your dreams to become the next Beyoncé, the next Peyton Manning, the next Chris Rock, the next J. K. Rowling, the next Steve Jobs, the next great teacher, software engineer, doctor, parent, or whatever it is you want to be.

This book is going to answer three big questions: Am I normal? Am I liked/ loved? Who am I? What may surprise you is that each one of those questions (and the many answers that come with them) has everything to do with your health.

Your health is about becoming you.

Rest assured: We're not here to preach to you about the dangers of getting heart disease down the road or how to make sure that you don't need a hip replacement when you're a grandparent. We're here to talk to you about your body, your issues, and your questions—the stuff that concerns you today. The great side effect, of course, is that taking control of your body now will give you the foundation for leading a long and healthy life.