Tiny Hamster Lives in Tiny Mansion, Drives Tiny Pink Jeep

Tiny Hamster Lives Large in Tiny Mansion

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 31, 2014, 3:46 PM

— -- This little hamster is living large inside a tiny mansion.

You may remember Chicken, the tiny hamster, from her famous days of eating tiny pizza earlier this year.

She’s back in action with this mesmerizing video of her furry, little self carrying on her morning routine inside her luxurious home.

Chicken wakes up, eats breakfast, takes a bath, eats again, continues to eat, and finally when she’s had her full, drives off into the sunset in her hot pink convertible jeep.

Her owner, April Campbell, says Chicken is actually a “fantastic pet,” and judging by the pure entertainment in this video gone viral, there’s no question as to why.

“My husband and I are both allergic to cats and dogs so I decided to get a hamster,” Campbell, of Ottawa, Canada, wrote to ABC News. “She got her fame from the ‘tiny hamster eating a tiny pizza’ video. We then made ‘tiny hamster in a tiny playground’ where she plays on her slide, swing and in her sandbox. The mansion is our latest. It was filmed in my friend's daughter's doll house.”

Chicken apparently loves being in the limelight, but just like any diva, she performs best after being given a special treat.