Toddler's 'goodbye' for mom will make every parent's heart soar

"I love you, and I trust you. And I love you. And I love you, OK?"

Toddler's 'goodbye' for mom will make every parent's heart soar
September 20, 2019, 5:06 PM

Every parent knows the gut-wrenching pain that comes with sending your toddler off to school.

But often, those little ones seem to know exactly what their parents need to make a sad moment oh-so-sweet.

That's what happened when little Millie Stewart, a 2-year-old girl from Queens, New York, was headed off to one of her first days in her new preschool classroom and realized she forgot to kiss mom goodbye.

"Millie decided she was excited for school (finally! the transition was hard) and wanted to walk backwards down the street with my husband," mom Ariele Fredman Stewart wrote in an email to "Good Morning America." "So they took off walking backwards and I thought that was weird and cute in and of itself, so I started videoing.

"Suddenly, she remembered she hadn’t given me a goodbye kiss and came running back to me, offering that goodbye that is so sweet and hilarious," she added.

In the video, Millie says to her mom, "I love you, and I trust you. And I love you. And I love you, OK?"

Millie, who loves pink, purple, construction sites and sanitation trucks, has been learning at home about the concept of trust.

"She might not get it entirely, but she’s been cute about saying, 'I love you, and I trust you' with phone call goodbyes to her grandparents and our best friends," Stewart told "GMA." "It seems like a concept she’s really been thinking about in her own toddler way, so it comes out in funny ways in daily conversation."