What Are Some Of The Different Types Of Meditation Techniques, Is Any One Technique Better Than The Other, And How Can I Learn To Do It?

Dr. Roberta Lee answers the question: 'Different Meditation Techniques?'

ByABC News
December 23, 2008, 5:52 PM

Jan. 13, 2010 -- Question: What are some of the different types of meditation techniques, is any one technique better than the other, and how can I learn to do it?

Answer: There's breath meditation, in which you focus on your in-breath and out-breath. One of my favorite ones is what I call the four-five breath. That is you breathe in to a full count of four, hold for a second, and exhale through your mouth to a count of five. There are other forms of breath meditation. There's mantra meditation, which is paying attention to one sound like "ohm" and that helps your mind focus and calm. There's other kind of meditation that you envision connecting to people -- that's known as meta-meditation. And then there's meditation paying attention to the sensations in your body to help you focus on calmness.

I really don't think any one technique is better than another. It really is based on individual preference, what works for you with these different kinds of meditations. There are many, many programs around the country with various kinds of meditation, classes, mindfulness-based meditation formulated by Jon Kabat-Zinn and so many others. If you Google meditation on the web, you'll find the programs that are near you.