Health Tip: Preparing for a Mammogram
ByABC News
March 23, 2008, 11:25 PM
Oct. 21 -- (HealthDay News) -- A mammogram is an X-ray of the breasts that's designed to detect abnormalities, including possible tumors.
Doctors may compare a current mammogram with past results to learn of any changes.
The National Women's Health Information Center offers these suggestions to help women prepare for a mammogram:
- Don't schedule a mammogram for the week just before your period, as your breasts may be swollen and sore.
- Let the technician know before the test begins if you have breast implants.
- Wear a skirt or pants with a top that's easy to take off. You don't have to completely disrobe.
- The day of the test, skip applying any lotion, powder, perfume or deodorant under your arms or near your chest, as these can affect the results.
- Bring any previous mammogram results with you.