Pennsylvania Woman Gives Birth To Nearly 14 Pound Baby

The new mother gave birth just days before Mother's Day.

ByABC News
May 9, 2015, 3:27 PM

— -- A western Pennsylvania woman gave birth to a boy tipping the scales at 13 pounds and 10 ounces, just days before Mother's Day.

Baby Isaac was born Thursday to Brad and Michelle Hall of Ellwood City, a town about 40 miles north of Pittsburgh.

Isaac, who was delivered a week early by planned C-section according to ABC affiliate WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh, was almost twice the size of an average newborn at birth.

Mom Michelle Hall told ABC affiliate WTAE she knew her baby would be big, but his weight was "definitely unexpected."

Michelle Hall told WTAE-TV she knew he would be big from her "big belly," but her newborn's weight was "definitely unexpected."

Isaac even broke a hospital record, according to Dr. Andrew Sword, who works at the hospital where he was delivered.

"When I polled all the pediatricians from this hospital, some of whom date from the early 1980s, there's never been a baby on-record that's this size," Sword said.

When babies are born this big there can be an underlying health issue, but according to WTAE-TV, the family said Isaac is perfectly happy and healthy.

However, Brad Hall said that they probably would have to throw out many of their newborn clothes since Isaac is already fitting into clothes for 6-month-old babies.