A Midnight Exodus Through The Unknown to The Croatian Border

Refugees continue to trek through Europe, attempting to find asylum.

ByABC News
September 17, 2015, 7:37 PM
Refugees get off buses on Serbia near Croatian border.
Refugees get off buses on Serbia near Croatian border.
Mary Bruce/ABC News

— -- In the pitch black, they roll in. A steady stream of buses loaded with refugees coming to the Croatian border in Serbia. They are dropped off and left in a corn field under the stars with no idea of where they are going.

They get off the bus: people of all ages; the sick and injured. They are exhausted and hungry and told to walk a mile and a half down a dusty path to Croatia.

We see young men changing their shoes, putting on sneakers for the walk.

We go with them.

Refugees walk a mile and a half through a cornfield to reach the Croatian border.

Ali Nasser, 28, is with his wife and year-old son. They've spent 12 days on the road, traveling from Damascus. The little one is sick from all the dust. His wife so exhausted she can no longer hold the child in her arms.

This was never part of their plan. These refugees had intended to cross through Hungary. But that plan was foiled when Hungary closed their borders.

Refugees walk a mile and a half through a cornfield to reach the Croatian border.

Farid, 47, a Syrian doctor from Raqqa, walks with his pregnant wife and three children.

We reach Croatia, where we are made to turn back. As we say goodbye to Farid, his wife yells out to him from up ahead... She's afraid of continuing alone.

And then they round the corner and disappear into the darkness.