18-year-old rescued dachshund living out bucket list adventure

Morgan's foster mom documents his journey on Facebook.

ByABC News
February 13, 2017, 3:39 PM

— -- A long-haired senior dachshund is living out his final adventures, from baseball games to airplanes, thanks to the foster mom who rescued him.

Morgan, an 18-year-old dog, was taken in by Kate Reidy after his original owner died and he was brought to Lee County Domestic Animal Services (LCDAS) in Fort Myers, Florida.

Due to his age, LCDAS sent Morgan to Senior Paws Sanctuary dog rescue, where Reidy volunteers, so he could live out the rest of his days in happiness.

"I really think he does enjoy himself," Reidy, 30, of Fort Meyers told ABC News. "Our adventures are usually an hour long, if that. I do think he enjoys it. Whenever I have his leash by the door ready to go, he runs right over. Maybe the day he doesn't run to the door, I'll know it's time to dial back."

"He loves to explore," she added. "Whenever we go out people pick him up and hug him and I think that's also something he enjoys."

Morgan, the 18-year-old the rescue dog, is living out the rest of his life in Fort Meyers, Florida, by checking off his bucket list.
Courtesy Kate Reidy

Reidy began fostering Morgan on March 25, 2016.

Morgan has no health issues and is very active, Debbie Goldsberry, founder of Senior Paws Sanctuary, told ABC News. She said the rescue's foster homes offer "love, daily care and activity" for older dogs until they find a forever home.

Reidy documents Morgan's adventures as he crosses them off his bucket list.

So far, he's been to the dog beach, the dog park to meet other dogs, a baseball game and on an airplane. Morgan also met Santa, sat on a motorcycle, visited the firehouse and on Feb. 6, was "sworn in" as an honorary junior deputy K-9 by the Lee County Sheriff's Office.

Morgan, the 18-year-old the rescue dog, is living out the rest of his life in Fort Meyers, Florida, by checking off his bucket list.
Courtesy Kate Reidy

Some items left on Morgan's bucket list are trick-or-treating, a pet spa day, a visit the local library and meeting Tom Brady.

Reidy hopes Morgan's story inspires others to show love to senior dogs, she said.

"Senior dogs need our help and they're great animals and just because there's a dog that's old, it doesn't mean that we have to forget about them," Reidy added.

Morgan's spirits are lifted by his adventures, she said. "I feel like he's gotten so much more lively. He loves to snuggle. He's a sweetheart."

Reidy is accepting bucket list suggestions on the "Making Memories with Morgan" Facebook page.

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