Adorable Pet Arctic Fox Starts Cracking Up Whenever He Hears Laughter
You have to hear this little fella's hilarious giggle.
— -- Meet Archer, a 4-year-old pet Arctic fox who became Vine-famous this week after videos of his contagious laugh amused thousands of users on social media.
The white fox's owner -- 25-year-old Kristina Shafer of Battle Creek, Michigan -- told ABC News today that her little fella starts cracking up whenever he hears laughter, especially loud laughter.
"Archer usually starts giggling whenever my boyfriend laughs," Shafer said, adding that the fox laughs the most when he's sleepy or tired at the end of a day.
"He's a very vocal, very loving, very happy fox," she said. "He also does some happy 'screams' and he honestly sounds like a monkey sometimes. He also does a howl whenever he's out in the yard and wants attention or wants to come inside."
Archer has been with Shafer since he was a cub, Shafer said, explaining that she got him from a breeder in Indiana.

"Arctic foxes are definitely not for everyone since they're not the easiest pet to have, but I did a lot of research and decided they were for me," she said. "They take a lot of dedication in terms of training."
Though it took a while, Archer now knows his name and sits on command, Shafer said. However, potty training has been a little more difficult, she said with a laugh.

Shafer added that despite the fox's "need for constant supervision and a lot of patience," it's "all been so worth it" for her.
"His laughter is contagious and he brings us a lot of joy," she said.