Artist Covers Florida House in Aluminum Foil

Artist Piotr Janowski says it's a work of art he's calling "402 Ashland Ave."

ByABC News
May 30, 2015, 4:39 PM
Artist Piotr Janowski covered his house in Tarpon Springs, Florida with aluminum foil.
Artist Piotr Janowski covered his house in Tarpon Springs, Florida with aluminum foil.
Piotr Janowski

— -- An entire house in Tarpon Springs, Florida -- about 30 miles from Tampa -- is covered in aluminum foil.

But it's not a prank -- artist Piotr Janowski says it's a work of art he's calling "402 Ashland Ave."

Artist Piotr Janowski covered his house in Tarpon Springs, Florida with aluminum foil.

"Residing in Tarpon Springs for a period of eight months, the project is centered around my home, my garden, and my palm trees," Janowski's said in a statement he provided to ABC News.

Artist Piotr Janowski covered his house in Tarpon Springs, Florida with aluminum foil.

Janowski said he used aluminum foil and weak spray-on adhesive.

Artist Piotr Janowski covered his house in Tarpon Springs, Florida with aluminum foil.

"Curious onlookers rarely identified the installation as art," Janowski's statement added. "It was almost always assumed to have a practical value, such as a new form of insulation, pest control, or fire retardant. The act of covering the facade of a house (along with the palm trees and sculpture installation) introduced something uncommon and unexpected into the neighborhood environment, and hopefully offered a new perspective on what had been commonplace."

Artist Piotr Janowski covered his house in Tarpon Springs, Florida with aluminum foil.