Baby Surprises Parents With Infectious Laugh When Mom Sings Rap Song

Greg Gibbs captured his son laughing on camera.

ByABC News
January 28, 2016, 11:28 AM

— -- A baby's infectious laugh had his mom and dad grinning ear-to-ear on Sunday--so much so that his dad just had to capture the moment on video.

Greg Gibbs of Chicago told ABC News that his 4-month-old son Yousif began "cracking up" at his mom Dalia while she sang M.C. Hammer's hit "Can't Touch This."

"He just started laughing out loud like that--this really crazed laugh that came from his gut. So I got out my camera," Gibbs said. "If you tilt you head back and forth and sing to him he will laugh, but not to that extent."

After some coaxing from his mother-in-law, Gibbs posted the video to his YouTube channel so family members could witness Yousif's first laugh.

Greg Gibbs of Chicago, photographed with his wife, Dalia and their son, Yousif.
Courtesy Greg Gibbs

"[Yousif] is the best," Gibbs said. "I always wanted to be a dad. I waited my whole life for it. He’s changed my life. I love watching his milestones and realizing how much you can love somebody."