'Basic Bros' on Instagram Hilariously Mock Social Media Behavior
The Instagram account features “the most #blessed & #basic bros on the Internet"

— -- There are a few hallmark shots that Instagram users just can’t seem to get enough of: the selfie with a glass of wine, the mid-workout snap, the perfectly-posed group shot and the list goes on.
Poking fun at these pictures, the Instagram account Bros Being Basic features “the most #blessed & #basic bros on the Internet,” according to its bio. In reality, the mostly submission-based account shows men parodying the stereotypical Instagram behaviors often attributed to women.
And the person behind it all admits that even she has been guilty of such behavior. Comedian Ashley Hesseltine, 33, of Atlanta, Georgia came up with the idea while writing a post for her blog, Witty and Pretty. “So I had a thought," she wrote. "What if guys did the [s---] girls do?”
Not long after, with help from her friend, Travis May, Hesseltine launched the Instagram account and got the answer to her question.
The result is a hilarious account that now has 488,000 followers. Hasseltine told ABC News she receives tons of submissions daily.
“Now it just kind of has a life of its own,” she said of the account’s wild popularity.
The photos include everything from men enjoying a Pilates class, to the boys sipping on some rosé and, of course, each is complete with some very creative hashtags.
“I mean my whole life is on social media, but at the end of the day it’s just so ridiculous,” Hesseltine said. “So I think it’s just poking fun at it all. The main goal is not taking yourself too seriously.”