Body Cam Catches Groomsmen's Dance Practice After Police Respond to Noise Complaint

The Carrollton, Texas police cam footage got lots of positive attention.

ByABC News
October 14, 2016, 1:58 PM

— -- When a Carrollton, Texas police officer responded to a call about a noise complaint, he arrived to something much sweeter.

David Opegbemi and all his groomsmen were in his apartment complex’s parking lot practicing their wedding dance to surprise his bride.

"How’s it going, guys?" Sgt. Todd Burnside can be heard saying in footage from the body cam he was wearing that has now gone viral. "Y’all having like a party or something?"

"We’re having a dance practice," Opegbemi replied.

"Are you a group?" the officer asked.

"Yeah, we’re all a group," said the groom. "It’s my wedding."

The men then showed off their moves to "My Girl" by the Temptations and the result is heartwarming.

"When the officer first approached us, we were a little nervous, but we knew we were doing nothing wrong," Opegbemi told ABC News about the incident. "After a short explanation of the situation, things became great between us and the respect displayed on both sides was an awesome feeling. The officer was super cool and kind."

The Carrollton Police Department shared the encounter on their Facebook page where they’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response about the respectful attitudes from both parties involved.

Burnside thinks it’s "weird" how much attention his body cam video has gotten because "this is just what we do."

"This is what you should expect from officers throughout the country," he said. "When you just deal with each other as people, this is how people act. It’s weird having this viewed so much because, to me, this is everyday life. This is what you should expect."

Cops were called on this groom practicing his wedding dance, but the results were heartwarming.
Courtesy Temi Coker

Opegbemi is "really happy" that the video is getting so much attention.

"It sends a positive message to the world that one: black men don't always need to be perceived as someone dangerous," he explained. "We are doctors, lawyers, accountants, business owners, and educators in our communities. Two: we all can coexist respectfully and safely in this country. All black men aren't criminals and all cops aren't killers of black men."

He said his wedding party's interaction with the officer reinforced his positive outlook.

"With everything going on in this world, let's continue to have hope and love one another," the groom said. "We are all brothers and sisters at the end of the day. Positive vibes only."

All the hard work the groomsmen put into the four weeks of secret dance practice certainly paid off, he said. His bride, Tiera, was very impressed on the big day.

"It was definitely a success," said Opegbemi. "The look on my wife's face was magical. She was smiling and cheering the whole time."